Media Coverage

Book Artificial Humanities featured in Scientific American
- New Books Network
- Colloquy
- 96 Layers (podcast, text)
- Scientific American (featured by other outlets in English and Slovenian)
- American Chamber of Commerce in Slovenia
- Napkin Poetry Review interview (responses on and Gledališče Glej)

Paper Experimental Narratives in The Financial Times
- The Independent
- Berkeley News
- Tech Xplore
- Incredibble
- NPR, KCBS, and KNX Radio
- MBR video
- The Scholarly Kitchen
- Haaretz (Hebrew)
- The Independent Turkçe (Turkish)
- LaSexta (Spanish)
- LeBigData (French)
- Scientias (Dutch)
- CNN Brasil (Portuguese)
- ICT Global (Hungarian)
- 续航教育/Forward Pathway (Chinese/English)

- Yonhap News documentary (part 2)

- El NorMal magazine
- Delo newspaper
- Dnevnik newspaper
- Časoris children's newspaper
- Loški utrip magazine
- Radio Prvi 
- Outsider blog
- Časoris children's newspaper
- Outsider magazine
- Metina Lista podcast
- Val 202 radio

- Haaretz newspaper 

- Breitband podcast